

Whether you’d say you’re a Christian or not, Trinity Church Brighton welcomes anyone who wants to investigate the claims of Jesus—the person at the very heart of Christianity.

The Bible puts it this way:

(Jesus) died for sins, once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God …
1 Peter 3:18

To be a Christian is to know Jesus personally. He’s the person the Bible says brings us to God—not because we are good, but because he died for us—and who was raised to life so that we could have hope even in the face of death.

Through trusting in Jesus, our relationship with God is restored and we can have life to the full. Our lives are given a new purpose as we seek to live for Jesus and glorify God in all that we do.

We love having conversations with people about Jesus so if you would like to chat, why not get in touch by filling out our contact card? Or come along to our upcoming Taste and See course. This runs over four delicious meals as we explore the story of the Bible with plenty of space to reflect and ask your questions. We’d love you to be part of the conversation.