We want our young people to know and love God, and to build their lives firmly on Jesus as they navigate the teenage years and beyond. Our Friday night and Sunday morning youth ministries provide our year 7-12s with a space to learn about God from the Bible, ask questions, build good friendships – and of course have fun!
Youth @Hove
Youth @Hove is a youth group for anyone in years 7-12, running most Friday nights of the school term. It’s a space for young people to call their own, a space for fun, and a space where youth can engage with the Bible and explore what it looks like to follow Jesus as a teenager. We work hard to make our group engaging and accessible for all youth, so grab your friends and come along!
We meet most Fridays during school term at the Holdfast Bay Community Centre in Hove from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. Once a term we get together with youth from right around Adelaide at Trinity Youth in Mile End. Summit Camp takes place in the Easter holidays and is an annual highlight.
It’s best to register (below) or get in touch so that we can add you to the list to get weekly text reminders and extra details.
In 2025, Youth restarts after the summer holiday on Friday February 7.
If you’d like to come along to youth group regularly it’s important that youth are registered by a parent or caregiver. This ensures we have the information we need to care well for everyone who comes, and also means we can contact you with reminders and any last minute changes that come up regarding youth.
Youth @Hove is free for visitors and first timers, so if you’re keen to check it out, then come along! Feel free to bring a friend along without them worrying about cost too. We don’t want to make cost a barrier for anyone attending, but we ask families to pay $5 per night per attendee to help us cover costs like food and venue hire. There are separate costs for off-site events like Trinity Youth nights and camps.
On Sunday mornings during our church service, youth are invited to head out after the sermon to chat with a youth leader about questions that might have come up for them and consider together how the Bible passage applies to them as youth.
Safe Ministry
All leaders involved in children’s and youth ministry at Trinity Church are safe ministry approved as per the requirements of the State Government and the Anglican Diocese of Adelaide. Please get in touch if you have any questions about our child protection policies.
More information?
If you’ve got any questions, or would like more information about our youth ministry, please contact Simon Marshman.