Posts from September 2023

Posts from September 2023

Sermon Outline – October 1

The Love of Grace ROMANS 5:1-11 | MAtt Winter The Great Gospel Love of God Love in the Past: Jesus sacrifice for sinners Love in the Present: Peace with God Love in the Future: Hope that will not let you down   Next Week Guest Preacher: Matt Lehmann

Pastor’s Letter – October 1

Hi All, I’ve really enjoyed these last couple of weeks in Romans and even though it’s a part of the Bible I know well, I still feel like I’ve been struck by all sorts of things I either haven’t seen before or just haven’t been struck by before! (Which isn’t surprising given this is God’s living and active word!) One of those…

Prayer Points – October 1

Our Church | Today we’re praying for our mission to share the gospel with those in our community. Let’s pray especially for the ‘Last Daughter’ movie screening and the ‘Taste and See’ course happening in November, and that they would be great opportunities to share the good news. Our Partner | We’re praying today for K in South…

Sermon Outline – September 24

The Gift of Grace ROMANS 4 | MAtt Winter Brains and Bikes Paul’s gospel rewiring: 1. Righteousness is a gift (4:1-8) 2. Righteousness is open to all (4:9-17) 3. Faith is the key (4:18-25) So What?   *Family Tree Diagram: *Link to book referenced, Confronting Christianity:…

Prayer Points – September 24

Our Church | Today we’re praying for gospel generosity amongst our people. May we be ready to sacrifice for the sake of the good news, and be looking to invest the various resources we have in his kingdom. Our Network | Let’s pray this morning for Trinity Church Unley. We can give thanks for the great hospitality and welcoming culture at the church and pray…

Sermon Outline – September 17

The Unity of the Gospel ROMANS 3;21-31 | MAtt Winter Back in time, to a divided Church Paul’s Solution – the new way of the gospel The gospel is going to sort out this church’s: – Unity – Foundation – Hearts So what does the gospel say to our church? – Our unity – Our foundation – Our hearts Next Week Romans 4 | Matt Winter

Prayer Points – September 17

Our Church | Today we’re praying for our magnification area. Let’s thank God for our services each week and how they lift our hearts in praise to God. Today particuarly let’s give thanks and praise for the free gift of righteousness which comes through faith in Jesus, and by his death and resurrection. Our Partner | Let’s pray this morning for…

Prayer Points – September 10

Our Church | Today we’re praying for our youth (high school aged members). We can pray that our youth would keep growing in knowledge of God as they engage with the Bible on Friday nights at youth group and through our Sunday youth discussion. We can thank God too for our leaders and pray especially for Matt, Juliet and Joel who are having a go at giving youth talks…
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