Pastor’s Letter – October 22

Pastor’s Letter – October 22

Hello Church,

Many of you will have heard of my wife Peta’s recent recovery from emergency surgery. Peta had surgery at the RAH on Friday 6th for a complication that arose from a dental problem, which then required an extended stay in ICU, before returning home on Friday 13th. It will take some time for her to return to full health, but we’re thankful to God for small steps in the right direction. We praise God for the wonderful medical care Peta received and the tremendous support we have experienced from family and friends and you, our church family. We can see God at work in it all, whether it’s the freezer full of meals that reflect his kindness through his people, or the moments of deepening awareness of God’s love for us in Christ and his presence with us by his Spirit. He has used these challenging weeks to remind us that he is always trustworthy, good, and worthy of our wholehearted surrender. It has also been really encouraging to hear how well church has been going in our absence and we’re praying that together we’d keep pointing each other and our neighbours to our Great God and Saviour Jesus Christ.

With that in mind, we have a wonderful opportunity to invite friends and family to come and see the special screening of The Last Daughter this Friday evening. After the referendum on the weekend, many people are wondering how we can show love and kindness to our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander neighbours. The Last Daughter doesn’t set out to answer that question, but it does tell a powerful story that helps us listen, understand, empathise and seek a way forward together. It explores important themes of identity, belonging, justice, grace and reconciliation, without pushing a particular agenda. This is not a “Christian” film, but it includes the story and example of a number of Christian people and provides a context for deeper conversations about important topics. If you’re an Aussie wrestling with such questions, or a migrant trying to understand the significance of this aspect of Australian history, this is a great film to see and a great event to invite your friends to. We’ll have great hospitality and it’ll be a really great way to introduce your friends to our church community. See our website for more information, view the trailer, and RSVP.

I look forward to seeing you there,
