Pastor’s Letter – February 11th

Pastor’s Letter – February 11th

Hi All,

This Friday night our youth group kicks off for another year. I’m looking forward to a great night, we’ll play some games, grab some ice creams and look forward to a great year ahead. We always have a lot of fun together! We’ll be starting Bible studies the following week and studying Mark 7 and 8 this term.

It’s a significant year of change for our group after saying goodbye to four year 12s at the end of 2023. This year we’ll have a different vibe with some younger ones coming up, and a different mix of youth. By it’s nature youth ministry changes quickly as youth grow. I’m also excited that Joel Keen is taking on some extra responsibility and helping coordinate the group this year, you might like to give him some encouragement at some stage.

If you have connections with any high school aged kids, newcomers are always welcome at our group and so you’re welcome to pass on an invitation. We always have cards available at our welcome desk on Sundays and details are available online too:

If you have kids that are a bit younger, I always think it’s worth thinking a few years ahead – youth group can be a hugely significant time for Christian growth, and so chatting to your kids about youth group and helping them get excited that this is something they’ll get to do on Friday nights when they hit year 7, I think is a great thing to do. Perhaps this week is an opportunity to mention to your younger kids that youth group is starting this week and explaining to them a bit about what it is, and when they’ll be old enough to be involved.

On a completely different note, last Sunday was a significant one for one of the churches in our network. Trinity Church Pooraka has moved to a new venue, Para Hills High School. This means they’re also changing their name to “Trinity Church Para Hills”. The relaunch provides a great opportunity for them to connect afresh with a local community. Do take the time to pray for the church in the coming weeks. You might also have contacts in the Para Hills area that you think it would be worth inviting to the relaunched church. Perhaps the best way to do that is point them to the church’s new website:


Upcoming Dates:
February 11th (This Sunday) – Beach Picnic 4:30-7:30, Wattle Avenue Reserve, Hove. BYO Everything.
February 17th – Engage Work Faith “Re:frame Identity” half day conference:
February 22 – Taste and See begins. Details and rego here:
March 3 – We’ve got some baptisms happening in the Sunday service and at the beach after church, followed by a BYO picnic at the beach. If you’d be interested in getting baptised at any point, have a chat sometime with Simon or myself.