Pastor’s Letter – October 13

Pastor’s Letter – October 13

Hi All,

Over the next five weeks at church we’ll be doing something a little different to normal. Rather than our normal pattern of working through books of the Bible, we’re going to be spending five weeks thinking about church. Particularly, what the purpose of church is.

Sometimes when we come to church we might turn up and go through the motions a bit. We might find some things interesting, have some good conversations, and have a bit of fun. It can sometimes feel a little random, vague or accidental. So it’s good to sometimes pause and ask – what’s the point? Or even better, it’s good to ask what God’s purposes are for the church. What’s he trying to do in us and through us?

As well as thinking about these questions in sermons for the next few weeks, our growth groups will also be thinking about this topic and reading through a great book together: Unmissable Church by Richard Sweatman and Antony Barraclough.

We’ve bought enough copies of this book for every household to grab one, and they’ll be available the next few weeks after church for you to take. We’re just asking for a $5 contribution which is great value!! We’d love everyone to have a read through this over the coming weeks as we think about this important topic.

Particularly for those in growth groups, here’s a schedule of when it will be useful to have read relavent chapters:

Week of… Read
Sunday October 13 Introduction, Chapters 1-2
Sunday October 20 Chapters 3-4
Sunday October 27 Chapters 5-6
Sunday November 03 Chapters 6-7
Sunday November 10 Chapter 9, Appendix 1

Of course if you’re a reader and you want to zoom straight through the book, feel free!

Praying that the next few weeks of thinking about this important topic will be useful for all of us,
