Pastor’s Letter – March 5

Pastor’s Letter – March 5

Hello Church,

Last Sunday we heard about the upcoming church AGM for Sunday March 26 after church. There is a rare breed of people who hear ‘AGM’ and think, “Great, I’ve so been looking forward to this!” If that’s you, I praise God for the diverse gifts he gives to his church! For most of us though, we’re more likely to hear ‘AGM’ and think “Could there be anything more boring?!” Well, I want to encourage you that it’s not going to be boring, for three main reasons. First, it’s a great chance to briefly look back with thankfulness to consider what God has been doing amongst us over the last year. Second, it’s a unique opportunity to briefly look forward with excitement for what God might have in store for us in the year to come. And third, all of this is stuff we care deeply about if we care about our church community and God’s glory being made known in us and through us, which is why this is an AGM that will do double duty as a prayer meeting. So we’ll make church on the 26th a bit shorter than usual and keep the agenda for the AGM concise and encouraging. Please put it in your diary and plan to be there!

Related to this, we are calling for nominations for the position that has come up for election on the Trinity Church Brighton Leadership Team for the next two year period. The Leadership Team is currently made up of Jane Unsworth, Paul Wight, Stephen Watson, Grace Morokai, Lauren Hull and Mike Hern – with Mike’s being the position that is up for (re)election. I am so thankful to God for whis wonderful team who form the group of lay leadership that ensures our governance obligations under law are met, but furthermore serve in the important areas of Vision, Staffing and Stewardship to facilitate a healthy and growing church. If you’re keen to understand more of what this team involves or would like to consider nominating someone for the role come and talk to Matt or myself to obtain a copy of the Leadership Team Charter and Nomination Pack.

Finally, while we’re talking about upcoming dates, can I encourage you to put these in your diary:
Bush Church Aid Bible’n’Bush – Monday March 20, 6:30pm, City Reach Marion Church. Come and hear about what God is doing amongst our first nations peoples. More info and registration here.

Adelaide Men’s Convention – Saturday May 13, 9am-4pm, Concordia College. An outstanding day with men from across Adelaide as three great speakers encourage us from 2 Peter to stand firm and grow in God’s grace in Christ.

Grace Conference for women: Saturday May 27, 8:45am-1pm, Concordia College. “Walking the road together” with Wendy Lin unpacking 2 and 3 John, with Grace Girls for teenage girls running in parallel.

