Pastor’s Letter – September 3rd

Pastor’s Letter – September 3rd

Hello Church,

Church is about sharing life together as family gathered around Jesus. To begin with we might not share much else in common other than our relationship with him, and that’s part of the beauty of it. God draws us together as he gathers us around his Son. So we want to reflect that in the way we share life together.

One simple way we can do this is chipping in as extended family when someone is in need. Over the coming months we have a number of households expecting the birth of new babies – a time of sleeplessness and chaos. And one of the simple things we can do to help them out is to prepare a meal for them. Annika is very kindly coordinating this and it’d be great to have a few more people who can help out. Please email if you’re able to help out with a meal or two at some point over the next 6 months and Annika will get in touch.

Another way we share life together as family is simply to enjoy each other’s company. So next Sunday afternoon a bunch of us are going for a walk at Belair National Park. There is a flyers attached, and we’ll have these at the welcome table on Sunday too, and we’ve made a Facebook Event as well. In short, we’ll meet at 2pm just off Upper Sturt Road and do the leisurely walk into the Adventure Playground. There’s a kiosk there with coffee and ice creams, and if you’ve got lots of energy and want to tackle something more strenuous you can continue on to some of the longer walks in the park. It’s just a great way to spend some time together, and such an easy opportunity to invite a friend from school or uni or work to come and have some fun with us, and meet some of your church friends. And hopefully they’ll realise that we’re not all that odd – we just share Jesus in common – and perhaps feel a bit more comfortable to join us on another occasion to find out more about him.



Upcoming Dates:
Sunday September 10, 2pm – A Walk At Belair (see attached flyer)

Thursday evening October 17 – “Food That Takes Me Home” Engage Work Faith event
Friday evening October 20 – (To Be Confirmed) Private screening of The Last Daughter 
These two events are both designed to be a fun night out that will prompt reflection and discussion, being openly Christian without imposing a particular perspective.

Thursday evenings from November 2 – “Taste And See” 
This is our four week gospel overview course that is designed to introduce people to Jesus in a really warm and winsome way. It is built around four meals that help convey the significance of the gospel: Week 1 we’ll enjoy a vegetarian banquet and hear about God’s good creation, week 2 we get greasy fast food fingers as we come to understand the dangerous attraction of sin, we share a roast dinner on week 3 that points us back to God’s great redemptive work, and the fourth week is a multicultural feast that points us forward to the wonder of the new creation to come. Let’s start asking God to provide opportunity to invite our friends along to this.