Pastor’s Letter – January 28th

Pastor’s Letter – January 28th

G’day Church,

The new year is well underway! People are returning from holidays, workplaces that slowed down or even shut down over summer are generally back up and running, a number of the kids in our church family are starting school this coming week, or making the move to high school. And as we set the rhythms and routines of a new year it’s quite intentional that we’d be making our way through the second half of Mark’s gospel. Mark helps us learn together what Jesus teaches us about life as Christian people – or in the language of Mark’s Gospel, life as his disciples. The phrase that has come to mind a few times is that Jesus calls us to “cross-shaped discipleship.” So whether we’re starting new things or getting back into normal routines, lets reflect together on what it means to be thoroughly shaped by the cross. There is more to come on that this Sunday!

Speaking of this Sunday, please plan to stick around for a sausage sizzle lunch after church. Please bring a ‘gold coin donation’ to contribute. Any proceeds remaining after we’ve covered the cost of lunch will go to support the work of Bush Church Aid who are taking the gospel into outback Australia and supporting Christians spread far and wide across our vast land. (So you might choose to drop much more than just a gold coin in the bowl!) Lunch is also a chance to say hello to Paul and Bri Merenda who are joining us for Paul’s student ministry placement while he studies at the Bible College of South Australia. And a shared lunch is also a great way to bid farewell to Johannes, Kristi-Anna and the kids who are returning to Sweden with loads of love from their time with us and a bunch of ways they’ve been inspired to encourage their local church when they get back home.

See you on Sunday,


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