Prayer Points – May 26

Prayer Points – May 26

Each week we pray for our church, our network and our world. If you would like to let us know about prayer points for the Pastoral Care Team to be praying about please fill out our contact card here.

Our Church | Today we’re praying for us to be a church that magnifies God’s name on Sundays and through the week. Lets pray that we would know our need for God, trust him day by day, and worship him with our whole hearts.

Our Networks | We’re praying today for Trinity Church Adelaide and Trinity Church Lockleys. Let’s pray that both churches would be able to care well for those exploring faith and those who have newly joined. We can also particularly pray for more leaders at Trinity Church Lockleys as the church continues to grow.

Our World | Let’s pray this morning for Christians who are persecuted throughout our world. We can remember Christians in Iran amongst turmoil in that country, especially those who are currently in prison because of their role in leading churches or because of a Christian conversion. At the same time we can give thanks for sponsorship and work being done by the international community that has meant many of these prisoners have been released.

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