Pastor’s Letter – May 26

Pastor’s Letter – May 26

G’day Church,

Friends, we have a great celebration ahead of us this Sunday! We have the great joy of baptising three of the children of our church family. Baptism, whether of an infant or a believing adult, is a wonderful representation of the gospel. In baptism, we are reminded that we all need Jesus’ death in our place to wash away the stain of our sin. We are reminded that we all need to die to the old self and receive new life in Christ. We are reminded that we all need the Holy Spirit poured into our hearts. We are reminded that we all need to trust the promises of God represented in the waters of baptism. So come ready to celebrate the goodness of these promises to us in Christ and ready to stand together as a church family committed to teaching the kids in our midst the goodness of these promises.

But even as we celebrate the goodness of God’s promises, we’ll also hear a warning on Sunday. A warning not to forget those promises and start doubting God’s goodness when the going gets tough. Because we’re heading back into Exodus, joining God’s people as they head towards the promised land. And between them and their new home is a wilderness of testing, in which they will so quickly forget God’s care for them and so easily grow discontent and turn to grumbling. But God’s promises are so sure, and his grace is so great, that even their grumbling becomes an opportunity for him to teach them of his care. Food, water, protection, guidance. All despite their grumbling. It’s a great lesson for us to keep the promises represented in baptism in the very front of our mind, so that when the hardship comes (and it will!), we’re leaning into God, not shaking our fist at him.

(If you’re keen for a 5minute crash course to bring you up to speed on where we’re up to in Exodus, check out this summary from the team at The Bible Project:

See you on Sunday,


Upcoming Dates:
Thursday May 30 – EWF “The Work Of RESToring”
Saturday June 8 – Ladies Dessert Night at the Marshman’s.
Friday-Saturday June 14-15 – “A Firm Foundation” marriage enrichment course.