Pastor’s Letter – June 2

Pastor’s Letter – June 2

G’day church,

Here are 5 reasons we’re passionate about our partnership with the Bible College of SA:

  1. In Exodus 20:3, God says “You shall have no other gods before me” so we need a college that will equip church leaders to make the one true God known.
  2. We live in a mixed-up world with beautiful diversity and terrible conflict, so we need a college that will train church leaders to share God’s vision for a world that knows Jesus.
  3. We live in a city in desperate need of more gospel shaped churches, so we need a college that is able to engage with the local needs of our city and state. (Trinity Network Senior Pastor Paul Harrington recently pointed out that our Network is ready to plant three new churches in January next year if we just had the pastors to lead them)
  4. We know a Lord and Saviour who is worthy of our whole lives, so we need a college that takes character formation as seriously as intellectual rigor.
  5. We long to be people who reflect Jesus in our everyday lives, so we need a college that equips church leaders in both the truth of God’s word and the tools to bring that word to bear in the real world.

We’re privileged to partner with BCSA because it is the college that ticks the box on all 5 of these reasons! We’ll be praying for the College and the ongoing task of raising up godly leaders for God’s church this Sunday. And I’m excited to let you know of a great opportunity to see the College faculty in action while being stretched and equipped yourself through a series excellent of Monday evening public lectures that form part of the centenary celebrations of BCSA.  Details here.

See you on Sunday,


Upcoming Dates:
Monday Evenings from June 10 – BCSA Public Lecture Series.
Friday-Saturday June 14-15 – “A Firm Foundation” marriage enrichment course.