Prayer Points – June 2

Prayer Points – June 2

Each week we pray for our church, our network and our world. If you would like to let us know about prayer points for the Pastoral Care Team to be praying about please fill out our contact card here.

Our Church | Today we’re praying for our church leadership team. Let’s give thanks for Paul, Mike, Stephen and Jane, and pray for ongoing wisdom as the team seeks to lead our church well in faithfulness and obedience.

Our Networks | We’re praying today for Bible College SA. We can pray for staff and students as the semester draws to a close and pray for the college as it celebrates it’s hundredth year and continues to plan for many more.

Our World | Let’s pray this morning for many to be serving Jesus throughout our world. In light of Matthew 9:36-38 we can pray for many workers to go out into his harvest fields – speaking up for Jesus where they are, and being ready to be trained, equipped and sent with the Gospel.

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