Prayer Points – August 8th

Prayer Points – August 8th

OURSELVES | for a growing knowledge of God and of the wonder of his grace to us in Christ; for this to increasingly shape our attitudes & actions.

OUR CHURCH | for our church to be increasingly a community shaped by the gospel & its implications.

OUR NETWORK | for Trinity Church Woodcroft; thanks for raising sights to God’s worldwide mission thru visits from mission partners; for Growth Groups, spurring one another on under God’s word.

OUR NATION | for states affected by COVID lockdown; for those in leadership, both state & federal; for endurance, wisdom, courage, & compassion as our leaders chart a path through this situation.

OUR WORLD | for an equitable distribution of the COVID vaccine, especially to less developed nations; for wealthier nations (like ours) to act with integrity & compassion with respect to our neighbours.

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