Posts by Trinity Church Brighton

Posts by Trinity Church Brighton

Sermon Outline – May 5

Colossians 1:1-8 Mike Waskiel | Flinders ES Good and True for Who? (1:1-2)   Faith and Love (1:3-4) Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. 1 Corinthians 13:4 Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant 5 or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful;…

Sermon Outline – February 26

He Came To Bring the Kingdom Mark 4:1-34 | Mike Waskiel 1. The Parable of Parables (4:1-9) 2. Jesus’ Interpretation of the Parable (4:13-20) 3. What is the Secret of the Kingdom of God? (4:10-12)   Download study notes for Mark’s gospel here Next Week He Came To Bring Life | Simon Marshman

Prayer Points – January 29th

Our Church | This week we thank God for those who serve our community in so many ways, particularly to make Sundays happen. We thank God for all the work done to bring together our rosters, and thankyou for the good hearted service that so many offer. We pray for more help to be found in key areas like kids ministry so that we can keep running sustainably. Our Network |…

Prayer Points – December 18th

Our Church | We’re praying this morning with thankfulness for a great year at Church. We also pray as we enter into 2023 that God would be with our plans for the new year, and with our staff amongst adjustements to their roles. Our Community | We’re praying that this year many in our community would be able to celebrate Christmas, knowing the hope that comes…

Prayer Points – December 11th

Our Church | We’re praying this morning that we’d be a church full of generosity. Pray that we would be people who show compassion, love and kindness to one another and to others. Pray that we’d be generous with our time and finances and use those things to invest in God’s Kingdom. Our Partner | We’re praying this morning for Lauren and the…

Prayer Points – December 4th

Our Church | We’re praying this morning for our youth ministry. We can give thanks for a great year of growth and fellowship, pray for a good end to the year at this afternoon’s waterfight and this Friday’s end of year celebration, and we can pray for plans for youth in 2023 as they come together. Our Gospel Network | This morning we’re praying for…

Prayer Points – November 27

Our Church | We’re praying this morning that we would go on being a church growing to be mature disciples of Jesus. We can pray that Jesus would lead us through his word to live for him and avoid temptation (today’s sermon topic). Our Gospel Network | This morning we’re praying for the Church Missionary Society (CMS). We can pray for a great Summer…

Prayer Points – November 20

Our Church | We’re praying for our membership area this morning. That means asking thanking God for our community and asking his help as we seek to care for one another well. We can pray for those who are struggling at the moment and can pray too that those who are newer among us might quickly feel like they are loved and that they belong. Our Gospel Network | This…