Prayer Points – February 20th

Prayer Points – February 20th

Our Church | We pray for our youth and young people. We thankyou for the part they play in our community. We particuarly pray for our youth and young adults groups as they get underway over the next few weeks. We pray that, despite being affected by changes this year, that the groups would remain strong and be safe places for our young people to engage with the scriptures. Pray particularly for our youth group beach night this coming Friday.

Our Partner | We pray for Lauren Hull and the student ministry at Flinders ES. We thankyou for connect camp and thankyou that it was able to go ahead. We pray that it was a helpful time of growth and also of meeting and connecting with lots of new students. We pray those new students would be established in the ministry as the uni year begins. We pray for initiative, creativity and energy from students as they seek to reach their campus for Jesus.

Our World | We pray for our political leaders. We know that their authority is given by you, and that when they use their authority to bring about goodness and justice and mercy that it honours you. Give our state and federal leaders wisdom. Help them to work for the good of others. Help us to be people who engage in the political world in helpful and constructive ways. We thankyou that you are sovereign, that your kingdom will last forever, and that if we belong to Jesus we are part of that kingdom.

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