Posts by Trinity Church Brighton (Page 3)

Posts by Trinity Church Brighton (Page 3)

Weekly Readings – June 19th

Mon 20 Jun 2 Thessalonians 3 Tue 21 Jun Numbers 1 Wed 22 Jun Numbers 2 Thu 23 Jun Numbers 3 Fri 24 Jun Numbers 4 Sat 25 Jun Numbers 5 Sun 26 Jun Numbers 6 QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION What have I learnt about God: His character, plans, and purposes? How am I called to respond to this word? (be specific, be practical) What are some key points from the text for praise,…

Weekly Readings – June 12th

Mon 13 Jun 1 Thessalonians 1 Tue 14 Jun 1 Thessalonians 2 Wed 15 Jun 1 Thessalonians 3 Thu 16 Jun 1 Thessalonians 4 Fri 17 Jun 1 Thessalonians 5 Sat 18 Jun 2 Thessalonians 1 Sun 19 Jun 2 Thessalonians 2 QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION What have I learnt about God: His character, plans, and purposes? How am I called to respond to this word? (be specific, be practical) What are…

Weekly Readings – June 5th

Mon 6 Jun Psalm 15 Tue 7 Jun Psalm 16 Wed 8 Jun Psalm 17 Thu 9 Jun Psalm 18 Fri 10 Jun Psalm 19 Sat 11 Jun Psalm 20 Sun 12 Jun Psalm 21 QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION What have I learnt about God: His character, plans, and purposes? How am I called to respond to this word? (be specific, be practical) What are some key points from the text for praise, repentance, thanks or…

Weekly Readings – May 29th

Mon 30 May Psalm 8 Tue 31 May Psalm 9 Wed 1 Jun Psalm 10 Thu 2 Jun Psalm 11 Fri 3 Jun Psalm 12 Sat 4 Jun Psalm 13 Sun 5 Jun Psalm 14   QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION What have I learnt about God: His character, plans, and purposes? How am I called to respond to this word? (be specific, be practical) What are some key points from the text for praise, repentance, thanks or…

Prayer Points – May 22nd

Our Church | We pray for our staff team this morning. Give thanks for Simon’s first few weeks among us and pray for him as he continues to settle in. Pray too for both the Marshman and Winter families recovering from sickness. Give thanks for Jane’s opportunity to spend this week at the Reach Australia conference in Gosford and pray you help her digest all the…

Weekly Readings – May 22nd

Mon 23 May Psalm 1 Tue 24 May Psalm 2 Wed 25 May Psalm 3 Thu 26 May Psalm 4 Fri 27 May Psalm 5 Sat 28 May Psalm 6 Sun 29 May Psalm 7 QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION What have I learnt about God: His character, plans, and purposes? How am I called to respond to this word? (be specific, be practical) What are some key points from the text for praise, repentance, thanks or request?

Prayer Points – May 15th

Our Church | We pray this morning that we would be a church that would reach our local area with the good news of Jesus. We pray for honesty and boldness in speaking about the reasons for the hope that we have. We pray that we’d be a church ready to welcome anyone who wants to find out more about Jesus. We pray that God would reveal himself to many in our local…

Weekly Readings – May 15th

Mon 16 May Philippians 2 Tue 17 May Philippians 3 Wed 18 May Philippians 4 Thu 19 May Colossians 1 Fri 20 May Colossians 2 Sat 21 May Colossians 3 Sun 22 May Colossians 4 QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION What have I learnt about God: His character, plans, and purposes? How am I called to respond to this word? (be specific, be practical) What are some key points from the text for…