Sermon Outline (Page 3)

Sermon Outline (Page 3)

Sermon Outline – May 26

Desert Trust EXODUS 16 | MATT WINTER  Introduction – Teaching Trust & Grumbling   1. Trusting God is day by day   2. Trusting God means we can rest   3. Trusting God can get us through the good times and the bad.   Next Week Love the Lord | Exodus 19:1-20:8

Sermon Outline – May 12

RESPONDING TO JESUS THE LIVING WATER John WARNER | BusH CHURCH AID (John 7:1-52) (Exodus 17:1-7; Leviticus 23:34; Ezekiel 47:1-12; Zechariah 13:1; 14:6– 21)   Main Point: John 7 gives a portrait of varying attitudes and responses to the identity and mission of Jesus as the new Temple from whom flows the water of spiritual renewal and eternal life for any spiritually…

Sermon Outline – May 5

Colossians 1:1-8 Mike Waskiel | Flinders ES Good and True for Who? (1:1-2)   Faith and Love (1:3-4) Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. 1 Corinthians 13:4 Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant 5 or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful;…

Sermon Outline – April 28

Good and True: Hope Revelation 21:1-5 | Simon Marshman Any hope at all? Seven reasons why the hope that Jesus offers is Good and True: This is true hope because God helps his promises This is true hope because Jesus rose from the dead This is true hope because the first disciples died for it This is good hope because it saturates the New Testament This is good hope…

Sermon Outline – April 21

Good and True: Freedom John 8:31-36 | Simon Marshman The massive claim: the truth will set you free! The false freedom we think we need. But is it true freedom? Good and True Freedom comes from the one who knows us better than we know ourselves. is a gift from our maker who has constrained his freedoms in love. in his word in becoming human and dying for us in sending his…

Sermon Outline – March 24th

The Death of the Divine MARK 15:1-39 | matt Winter The death of Jesus means: 1. Sin is dealt with: The Cry    2. Relationship can begin: The Curtain   3. God’s heart can be known: The Confession     Reflection for Lent: If God at his heart is full of love, what do you think that means for how he sees you? Who might you tell about Jesus and the…

Sermon Outline – March 17th

The Night of Tests and Trials MARK 14 | matt Winter 1. The Tests   2. The Trial   3. The Gift   4. How we might respond   Reflection for Lent: What’s at the heart of my faith at the moment? How might I serve Jesus, in response to his grace? Next Week Mark 15 | The Death of the Divine | Matt Winter