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Pastor’s Letter – December 31

G’day church, This Sunday we return to our usual time of 10:00am as we jump back into Mark’s gospel at the end of chapter 8. This will be a great lead into the New Year, because Jesus asks us the perfect question to set the agenda for the coming year: “What about you? Who do you say I am?” As we’ll see over the coming weeks, Jesus shows us what it means to know him and…

Sermon Outline – November 19

God’s Empowering Presence Romans 8:1-17 | Simon Marshman v1. The wonderful summary: no condemnation. v2-4. The objective assurance: Christ for us. v5-13. The subjective assurance: Christ in us. v14-17. The wonderful privilege: God our Father.   Next Week Romans 8:17-30 | Simon Marshman

Prayer Points – October 22

Our Church | In a world that is searching everywhere for community and belonging and real friendship, God has been so kind to bring us together as his people, around his Son in the bond of his Spirit. Let’s pray that we’d love one another and welcome newcomers in a way that reflects this profound reality. Our Network | God’s doing great things in the…

Prayer Points – September 24

Our Church | Today we’re praying for gospel generosity amongst our people. May we be ready to sacrifice for the sake of the good news, and be looking to invest the various resources we have in his kingdom. Our Network | Let’s pray this morning for Trinity Church Unley. We can give thanks for the great hospitality and welcoming culture at the church and pray…

Prayer Points – September 17

Our Church | Today we’re praying for our magnification area. Let’s thank God for our services each week and how they lift our hearts in praise to God. Today particuarly let’s give thanks and praise for the free gift of righteousness which comes through faith in Jesus, and by his death and resurrection. Our Partner | Let’s pray this morning for…

Prayer Points – August 13

Our Church | Today we’re praying for our staff and leadership team. We can pray for Simon and Matt and their families, for ongoing health and energy. We can particularly bring our leadership team before God as they continue to plan for 2024. Our Network | We’re praying this morning for Trinity Church Colonel Light Gardens. We can thank God that he’s…

Prayer Points – July 23

Our Church | Today we’re praying that we’d be a church that is generous for the Gospel. Let’s pray that God would provide our needs and enable us to sacrificially give of our time and financial resources, and that we’d know the joy of investing in things that are of eternal value. Pray that our budget at church would enable great growth over coming…