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Sermon Outline – December 13th
Joy in the King Cameron MUNRO 1. Introduction 2. Universal 3. Unfulfilled 4. Unwanted 5. Unrivaled Next Week Joy in the Dark Matthew 2:13-23 | Matt Winter
Prayer Points – December 13th
OURSELVES | for joy this Christmas in the hope that is our in Christ; for time in God’s word & prayer; for a growing desire to bless others through our words & actions; for a desire to share the gospel. OUR CHURCH | for the relaunching of our Growth Groups in 2021: for new members to be included; for new leaders to be identified; that they would be renewed through…
Weekly Readings – December 13th
Mon 14 Dec – Matthew 8 Tue 15 Dec – Matthew 9 Wed 16 Dec – Matthew 10 Thu 17 Dec – Matthew 11 Fri 18 Dec – Matthew 12 Sat 19 Dec – Matthew 13 Sun 20 Dec – Matthew 14 QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION What have I learnt about God: His character, plans, and purposes? How am I called to respond to this word? (be specific, be practical) What…
Pastor’s Letter – December 13th
Dear friends I’m a plant killer. It’s not intentional. I admire the green-thumbed plant lover surrounded by mists of colour and shades of green. I’m not a plant hater, believe me, I’m not. I love a blossoming garden, lush, thick forest or an exquisite bunch of flowers as much as the next person. It’s not a malicious dislike for the colour…
Weekly Readings – December 6th
Mon 7 Dec – Matthew 1 Tue 8 Dec – Matthew 2 Wed 9 Dec – Matthew 3 Thu 10 Dec – Matthew 4 Fri 11 Dec – Matthew 5 Sat 12 Dec – Matthew 6 Sun 13 Dec – Matthew 7 QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION What have I learnt about God: His character, plans, and purposes? How am I called to respond to this word? (be specific, be practical) What are some…
Prayer Points – December 6th
OURSELVES | for peace in an unsettled time; for a growing love for God and for our neighbours; for the desire to reach out to our community to bring blessing and joy to others this Christmas time. OUR CHURCH | for our ministry to Youth – thanks for the youth and their leaders; pray that many more would connect; pray that the changes planned for 2021 would help reach…
Pastor’s Letter – December 6th
Dear friends Can you “serve” God for all the wrong reasons? Does motivation matter? This is a question explored in the Old Testament book of Job. “Does Job fear God for nothing?” Satan replied. “Have you not put a hedge around him and his household and everything he has? You have blessed the work of his hands, so that his flocks and herds are spread throughout the land.…
Sermon Outline – December 6th
Joy in the Mess Matthew 1:18-24 | MATT WINTER 1. A Season of Joy? 2. A Season of Mess? 3. Immanuel God With Us 4. Finding Joy this Christmas Next Week Joy in the King Matthew 2:1-12 | Cameron Munro