Prayer Points – July 18th

Prayer Points – July 18th

OURSELVES | for a growing devotion to God that is expressed in practical concern for others; for endurance & joy when we face trials.

OUR CHURCH | for our staff team as they meet to develop a ministry development plan for our church.

OUR NETWORK | for Trinity Church Modbury – give thanks for those who publicly committed their lives to Christ; that they would grow as a gospel community as they preach through I Thessalonians

OUR NATION | for the ongoing roll out of COVID vaccinations; for the situation in Sydney to improve; for practical care & support for all who suffer as a result of COVID restrictions.

OUR WORLD | for peace in Myanmar, Afghanistan & in the Middle East; for those who seek to advance their own interests at the expense of others to be restrained; for generosity & compassion to flourish.

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