Prayer Points – February 13th

Prayer Points – February 13th

Our Church | We give thanks for our leadership team. We ask for your ongoing wisdom as they undertake the task of leading our church, particulary in this time of transition. We also pray for the Marshmans as Simon finishes up at Trinity Church Adelaide and continues to look towards starting at Brighton in May.

Our Network | Pray for Trinity Church Unley. We join them in giving thanks for their lovely facilities, particularly the front lawn which is getting extensive use at the moment for various events. We pray that they would be a church characterised by grace, mercy and the patience of Jesus. We pray for ongoing opportunities for them, amidst the world’s uncertainties, to point others towards the hope found in Jesus.

Our World | We pray for those in our world who are poor, impoverished and who struggle to get by. For those in our city who are homeless, struggle with addictions or are unable to find steady sustainable employment, we ask for more to be done to support them and for real change. We pray for those in poverty around the world and ask that you would put an end to corruption and cause an increase in generosity.

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