Posts by Matt Winter (Page 29)

Posts by Matt Winter (Page 29)

Pastor’s Letter – October 25th

Dear friends As we kicked off term 4 a couple of weeks ago our Young Adults group decided Ecclesiastes would be a fun book for us to study for the term. I don’t know if you’ve read it recently or are familiar with the book, but it’s a deep reflection from a “teacher” who’s struggling with big questions. In the first few lines of the…

Pastor’s Letter – October 11th

Dear friends I’m writing the pastoral letter this week on Wednesday morning, and I’ve just been flicking through the news articles following the budget which was handed down last night. Big tax cuts, money for infrastructure and incentives for businesses to hire people seemed to be the big news stories – all designed to get our economy going again as we…

Sermon Outline – October 4th

Courageous to take Opportunities Acts 26:1-32 | MATT WINTER 1. Paul and the King Bold Endurance Bold Storytelling Bold Challenge 2. On the lookout for opportunities 3. Cultivating boldness   Next Week People of God… devoted to Christ 1 John 4:1-3, 13-15 | Cameron Munro

Sermon Outline – September 20th

Confident in God’s Sovereign Plan Acts 16:6-15 | MATT WINTER 1. That time where Paul felt like he wasn’t getting anywhere a. Significant Hurdles (16:6-8) b. Significant Instruction (16:9-10) c. Significant Results (16:11-15) 2. Five truths to give us confidence 1 | We’re in this together 2 | The Spirit has put us here 3 | There is openness and hunger 4 | Big…

Pastor’s Letter – September 13th

Dear friends I thought I’d take the opportunity this week to give you a quick update on our kids and youth ministries. In a crazy year both of these areas have been hit with some pretty big challenges. Those of you who watched our online services will remember our “Kids Zone” segments which we know were a big hit with our families and a lot of fun for…

COVID Safe Information

On August 2nd we’re going back to church! We’ve done lots of work to think about what it means to go back to church in a way that’s COVID Safe and appropriate. Not only do we wish to submit to our governing authorities, but we also think that being careful is a way of loving those around us, particularly the more vulnerable in our community. We hope that…