Pastors Letter (Page 7)

Pastors Letter (Page 7)

Pastor’s Letter – March 19

G’day church, Last Sunday we reflected on what it means to share Jesus’ compassion for the crowds. Well, this week I’ve got three invitations for you to pass on to people in your life: 1: Do you know anyone who lives in the western suburbs who you would like to connect with a fantastic local church in their area? Trinity Church Lockleys launches this Sunday at…

Pastor’s Letter – March 12

G’day Church, Here at Trinity Church Brighton it’s pretty common for us talk about gospel partnership. A couple of weeks ago I highlighted the joy of partnering together financially and the privilege that God gives us of contributing our money to the cause of the gospel in our local church. Read more here if you’re keen to get on board with that. But partnership is a much…

Pastor’s Letter – March 5

Hello Church, Last Sunday we heard about the upcoming church AGM for Sunday March 26 after church. There is a rare breed of people who hear ‘AGM’ and think, “Great, I’ve so been looking forward to this!” If that’s you, I praise God for the diverse gifts he gives to his church! For most of us though, we’re more likely to hear ‘AGM’ and think “Could there be anything more…

Pastor’s Letter – February 19th

Hi Everyone, I want to let you know a two updates about our family. The first update is some big news for the Marshman family. Seven months ago, a member of our broader extended family gave birth to a little boy, but is unable to care for him. After lots of careful consideration and a fairly complex process, this week this little boy has joined our family, under our…

Pastor’s Letter – February 12th

Hi Everyone, For those who’ve been around church more than a couple of months, I’m sure, like me, you’ve been greatly encouraged to see a steady stream of new faces coming through our doors and calling us home. Church has had a great buzz, especially the last few weeks. I thought I’d therefore take the chance to thank all of the people who have…

Pastor’s Letter – February 5th

G’day Church, I’ve just got a really brief encouragement for you today. Many of you will have noticed that we’re blessed to have a number of new people joining us at church and various others visiting from week to week. Well, it’d be great if we could do three things to help them out: 1 – please aim to arrive at church no later than 9:45. Most newcomers arrive on…

Pastor’s Letter – January 29th

G’day Church, Next week we kick off term 1 in Mark’s Gospel which I am really looking forward to, but I also hope you’ve enjoyed our Summer of Hope as much as I have. It’s been such an encouraging time in God’s word hearing of the many and various ways our hope in Jesus plays out in the concerns of this life. I’d love to hear if there’s something that has stood out…

Pastor’s Letter – January 22nd

G’day Church, What a difference eternity can make! That was the conclusion I came to after finishing one of the least exciting sounding books on my reading list at Bible college: “The Rise of Christianity” by sociologist Rodney Stark. According to the very un-catchy subtitle, Stark set out to explain “how the obscure, marginal Jesus movement became the dominant…