Pastors Letter (Page 18)

Pastors Letter (Page 18)

Pastor’s Letter – November 28th

Dear friends One of the most poignant questions asked in Scripture is the one that Cain asks God:  “Am I my brother’s keeper?” (Gen. 4.9).  Within the story of Cain & Abel, the implied answer is obvious – “Yes”.  Abel has a responsibility to “keep” (watch over, care for, preserve) his brother.  And he is accountable to God for this. We live in an era where one…

Pastor’s Letter – November 21st

Dear friends I’m sure you’ve seen lots in the news about COVID and borders this week. With interstate borders reopening on Tuesday there seems to be no end of opinions. Plenty are excited to be able to reunited with loved ones, some are fearful about the virus coming in. Some think this should be the end of any sort of COVID regulation, while others would…

Pastor’s Letter – November 14th

Dear friends It is an interesting time for me at the moment.  Having announced that I am leaving, there is a certain amount of looking forward, wondering what God will bring next.  However, there is also a fair degree of looking back, reflecting on the life and ministry that we have shared together.  Not that I would put myself in his league, the words of the Apostle Paul…

Pastor’s Letter – November 7th

Dear friends As a part of my new role I have been asked to start thinking about a conference called “Building Momentum”.  Why am I telling you this? The conference is all about how churches and Christian organisations might work together more effectively to reach a city.  City to City Europe have a little graphic called “Stages of City Movements” which details these…

Pastor’s Letter – October 31st

Dear friends Yesterday I received our cards for this year’s Christmas mission in the mail. I reckon they look pretty cool and I’ll have them on Sunday ready for you to check them out, and maybe grab a bunch if you’re starting to make gifts. If you haven’t seen the details for the Christmas mission this year, you can checkout the video Jane and I…

Pastor’s Letter – October 10th

Dear friends It feels like there’s quite a few exciting things going on in the life of our church this week. First of all I’m excited to let you know that we welcomed a new member late Saturday night – Lydia was born to Chris and Nicole. Big congrats guys!! It’s an exciting week in our family too with our daughter Eleanor being baptised this…

Pastor’s Letter – October 3rd

Dear friends Last evening I finished an interesting (and confronting) little book that provoked me to write you a short letter to encourage you to think about how to proactively connect with your families to bless them.  The author suggests that as an essentially communal species, we develop our sense of self and our emotional foundation as people from our family as our…

Pastor’s Letter – September 26th

Dear friends We live in “interesting” times. The COVID issue (the disease plus the measures taken to manage it) has divided many in our nation. This week we have seen violent protests in Melbourne, as well as less confrontational events in other capitals. How are we to think about this? When and how should Christians object? Firstly, we need to note that Jesus was not a…